Monday, December 17, 2007

It's a start

Since it's:

a) Monday
b) first day of break
and c) most of the grad students are gone

I didn't get much work done today. I did get my new parking permit for the year which is always a pleasant experience. *sarcasm* The day sorta slipped away, and by the time 4 rolled around, I figured I wasn't going to get much done today anyway. So, I switched gears to job hunting. Usually, it takes me all of ten minutes to breeze through my usual websites: NWA job corner, PSU job listing, AMS listing, USAjobs, and my new favorite--Argonne Labs. As I was scrolling through my last stop at USAjobs, I saw that the NWS has an intern spot at Green Bay, WI. That's not that far from Chicago...only 4 hours. So, I thought, to hell with it, I'll apply.

I definitely 'exaggerated' on some of my answers to the questions. (Anyone who has experience applying for an NWS job, knows these questions are absurd to begin with.) Everyone agrees that the only way to even make the short list, not even an interview, is to exaggerate on the questionnaire. I've had people -within- the NWS encourage me to 'exaggerate' on my answers. So, I did. We'll see where it takes me, but most likely nowhere. There's also an intern spot at Louisville, KY. I don't know why, but the idea of living in KY seems funny to me.

PhD comic of the day: Another one about the wonderful world of job searching.

P.S. Christmas Eve is only a week away! *eeeeeee* as Rona would say.

1 comment:

Jimmie said...

Hahaha...yeah, I'll do your makeup...if I get the job there! :-)

Hopefully I won't spend it all at Macy's, though if I end up staring at Estee Lauder or Lancome makeup for hours on end, I might be in truoble. :-)

Also, I meant to tell you...I *love* Post Secret! Have you seen the book? Pretty cool...